There are so many places to see in this beautiful world that trying to decide where to go on your next travel adventure may not be easy, especially considering that the state of travel right now is difficult at best. If you are thinking about taking a trip but are leery of traveling with COVID-19 around every corner, consider visiting locations in the US this year. Traveling in this country may not be risk-free, but you can take a few more precautions and not worry about being too far from home.

The USA has an abundance of places to visit that include many types of things you would see in other countries and some things you won’t see anywhere else. Consider sites like The Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, White Sands National Park, Mojave Desert, Arcadia National Park, Everglades National Park, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, US Space Center, and more. There is something spectacular to see in every state.
If you are beginning your travel planning, here are a few tips to help you narrow down your choice of location to visit.
Assess your risk
- While COVID-19 travel-related issues are improving, there are still some hotspots around the country, so be sure to check the government list as you plan your travel.
- As we open back up from COVID-19, many places are beginning to see spikes in cases again. Also, know that while hospitalizations are down, and that as new cases spike, so may hospitalizations and deaths. hospitalizations and deaths lag new cases by a couple of weeks.
- There is much controversy over whether to wear a mask or even gloves, but as an older adult, with underlying health conditions, I wear a mask in any store I visit. I don’t wear masks in my car or the drive-thru, but I do wear them in grocery stores and any other place I visit.
- Hand sanitizer is my downfall. I always keep it with me and use it continuously while out of my home. I’m not away from home all that much, but I am cautious, not crazy, just careful. If you are planning to travel, you might want to go ahead and stock up, it is easier to find now than it was a couple of months ago and it will help with germs.
- What if you get sick while traveling? Be sure to have a backup plan in place in case you get sick.
- We know that there is risk in any travel adventure, whether traveling by car, plane, or train, but that does not mean you shouldn’t go; just be prepared for whatever comes your way.
Where do you want to go
- Now let’s talk about the fun stuff! Where have you already been in this country and where might you like to go next? Let’s start by making a list of places you have already been and whether you want to go back for a more in-depth visit.
- Start your list here Do you want to visit again? Why?
- ________________ ____________________________
- ________________ ____________________________
- ________________ ____________________________
- ________________ ____________________________
- What new areas do you want to see? Why?
- ________________ ____________________________
- ________________ ____________________________
- ________________ ____________________________
- ________________ ____________________________
What do you like to do?
When planning your travel consider what your interests are and what you want to do on your trip? Do you want to try something new? Or do you enjoy the same activities you do at home?
- Make your list here.
- Museums
- Hiking
- Monuments
- Sightseeing
- Tours
- Horseback riding
- Sailing
- Entertainment
- ________________
- ________________
- ________________
What type of climate or scenery do you like?
When planning your travel, consider what you want to do on your trip. Do you want to stare out into the ocean all day, hike through the mountains, or ride horses along the Grand Canyon? What makes you happy?
- Add your list here
- Mountains
- Ocean
- Rivers
- Beaches
- Cities
- Small towns
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
How far do you want to travel?
- Let’s assume you want to drive to your destination and that it is 500 miles away, that’s an eight-hour drive, the better part of a day. If you’re going to go further than that, will you stop at various locations along the way or drive through as fast as you can.
- More than 500 miles (approximately 8 hours’ drive time)
- More than 1000 miles (approximately 16 hours’ drive time)
How long do you want to travel?
Are you bound by a typical week of vacation, or will you take a longer trip? Will you have time to do all you want to do in the time you have available?
- Note your trip time here
- _____Days
- _____Week or weeks
- _____Month
There are many variables to consider when planning your travel. How you choose to get to your destination now. If you travel by car, gas is still inexpensive and may help offset other expenses on your trip. Traveling by RV is an excellent way to go, and you will still get the same low gas prices, but much lower miles per gallon in addition to the cost of the RV. Flying is improving and seems to be safe from a COVID-19 standpoint, but most airlines are requiring masks for the flights, so be sure to check the restrictions think about whether that works for you or not.
How will you get there?
- Transportation
- Car
- RV
- Train
- Plane
- _______________
Other things to think about
When planning your travel, consider the crowds that generally visit your top five during the time you want to visit. You will have two things at play when visiting sites this year, and probably into next year. COVID-19 will still be around and may depress tourist volume. However, more people are choosing to travel in the US this year instead of abroad, which may increase the number of tourists headed to your destination. You will need to decide if crowds are a problem for you and what works best for you personally.
Do you have a budget? Most everyone has a general sense of what they want to spend on a trip; now is the time to determine what that amount might be. Consider whether you will pay cash, charge the trip, or split it up somehow. I took a trip with friends several years ago, and we split the costs, which saved us a lot of money.
Last but not least, do some research on the top five locations on your list. What will it cost you to get there, where will you stay, meals, tours, etc.? Will you be able to visit your destination and stay within your budget? If not, are there less expensive ways for you to get there?
It is exciting to plan a trip to a new destination. There are many places to see and cultures to learn about, even within the United States. Use this guide to help you narrow down your choice to be sure you have the right expectations and get the most out of your trip. Considering your budget, method of travel, duration of the journey, and climate, etc., before you travel will go a long way towards making sure you get the most out of your new adventure.
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