It’s a wonderful time in my life right now. My grandchildren are getting older and are so much fun to be around. A couple of my older, teenage granddaughters went with me to New York City not too long ago. We had an amazing time. It has been many years since my last visit to the city, but seeing it through my granddaughters’ eyes this time, made it a completely new experience for me.
We started our journey at the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport in Greenville, South Carolina. Before taking off, we decided to have a little lunch at the airport.
As you can see we are all very excited!

This was Allie’s first time on a plane, and she had a few jitters along with the excitement. Once onboard the plane, as the flight attendants were demonstrating emergency information, Kenzie demonstrated the air sickness bags for Allie . . . just in case.

We stayed at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. The location was perfect, as was the view from our window.
With a view like that, we moved pretty quickly to get down to Times Square and get the lay of the land.

The next day, we decided to take the bus tour through town—it was perfect! Using the map they provided, we were able to plot out a course to see as much as possible in the few days we were in New York. It was both easy to use and economical for what we wanted to accomplish.

We spent some time walking in Central Park, it was so beautiful. Now I understand why New Yorkers spend so much time in the park.

The American Museum of Natural History had so much to see. The girls had only heard of it from the movie “Night at the Museum.” It was great to bring the movie to life for them.

One of my favorite plays is Wicked. I’ve seen it in a couple of different places, including Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and London, England. I loved it both times. I knew it would be perfect for my granddaughters, and what better place to see a play than Broadway?

Dinner after the show was amazing. Stopped in a little pub on the way back to the hotel. It was fun to just soak up the atmosphere, share our thoughts on the play, and enjoy some wonderful food. Hanging out with my granddaughters is so much fun! They make me smile!

Of the many sites we wanted to see in New York, the Statue of Liberty was at the top of the list. It took up a good part of a day to get through the line and see both Lady Liberty and Ellis Island, but it was worth the time.

On our way back to the hotel, we went by Wall Street to see the bull. Tons of people around, but we managed a picture.

… and look what else we found. Law and Order fans . . . look familiar?

Everyone needs to learn how to hail a cab in New York City!

Next stop, Rockefeller Center!

View from the Top of the Rock. Incredible!

We spent some time wandering around Little Italy and Chinatown where we found some great deals on touristy things to take home to the family.

The last stop was breakfast on the way out of town at a fabulous little restaurant with sidewalk tables. We had so much fun seeing the sites in New York City, can’t wait to do it again.

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