There are so many ways to keep moving these days, that it’s just a matter of finding the right fit for you. If you are already active, perhaps you will find something new to think about in this post, but if you are not active at all, I hope you find something that motivates you to get moving again.
If, like me, starting a program or a new routine is tough for you, sign up for a class or join a group. You gain a lot from groups, like accountability, making new friends, finding others in your same situation, learning something new, possibly a little competition, and you will feel better as a result, both mentally and physically.
Fortunately, there are classes for everything. Just a little bit of research online will uncover a wide range of things for you to do. Whatever you decide to do, if you are new to exercise, check with your doctor first, then look for some beginner classes. Everybody has beginner classes of some sort. Here are a few ideas for classes to get you started.

Walking is a great way to go. It is low impact and easy. In most cases, you can step out your front door and walk. Don’t worry about how many miles you are going or how fast, just walk. Walk for ten minutes out, then walk back. If walking on your own is tough, call some friends, meet somewhere, and walk together. In my neighborhood, there is a group of women who walk every day, and there is probably one in your area as well, find out who they are and join them. Google “walking Meetup groups” in your area, I am sure you will find a few of them to get you started.

Hiking is similar to walking, but on different terrains and can be more strenuous depending on the area you hike. Generally, hiking is off the beaten path, more hills, and natural trails. I’ve been looking into hiking groups near me, and like all other sports, it seems there are plenty of groups to join at all skill levels.

Running is an excellent sport for your health, but as we age, sometimes running can be difficult. If you do not have any joint issues, check it out. I have arthritis in my knees, which prevents me from getting out there and running, but there are plenty of people running into their 70s and beyond. The local Fleet Feet or any running store in your area may offer group meetings. The one near me has running groups of all levels, from beginners to those training for a 10k or more. You will also find great information on the internet for beginning runners on anything from staying hydrated to the best kind of shoes to buys. Good shoes are essential for runners, so don’t forget to get a good pair if you go this route.
Fitness Classes

Fitness Classes are available everywhere. You can find classes everywhere from the YMCA to local fitness centers, sports clubs, or gyms. The choices of classes are endless—CrossFit, boxing, spin, dance, ballet, and so on. Whatever interests you, there is probably a class for it. Most places have free or discounted trials, so check out a few to find one you like.

Online Classes
Online classes are big too, and it seems that online spin classes are taking off. If you do not want to leave the house or cannot for some reason, you can still get in a workout or spin class by way of the internet. I’m sure you have seen the ads for stationary bikes right now, they are everywhere, and show some very fit people riding indoor bikes while watching a class on the screen on the bike. It looks like great fun and exercise at the same time. You get the benefit of group exercise from the comfort of your home.
Similarly, you can find fitness classes online for other things like yoga, CrossFit, barre, kickboxing, and so on. Google it to find what you are looking for. Ever since COVID-19, there are even more online options than before. A friend of mine is an instructor and holds Facebook live classes a couple of times a week. Lots of choices for anything that makes you happy.
There are so many choices for exercise that it would be hard to say you cannot find something that fits your lifestyle. Take some time to look for classes, and then evaluate if you need a live training class or if online will work. Sometimes having the help of others and accountability makes it easier to get started and keep going for the long run.
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