This fall, I’m headed to Denver to see the Claude Monet exhibit. One of my granddaughters will be traveling with me. I can’t wait! Several years ago on a trip to Europe with friends, I visited Claude Monet’s home in Giverny, France. Monet’s home in Giverny was the inspiration for so much of his work. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed seeing this place in real life.
I don’t remember the first time I saw or realized that I had seen a Claude Monet painting, but it was a long time ago for sure. It seems I have always been drawn to his work. While I enjoy the works of the other impressionists as well, my first love with art was Monet.
When Monet was in his forties, he and his family moved to Giverny, France. He lived there until his passing in 1926.

Claude Monet’s home and the grounds just behind it. When Monet lived here, he and his family helped to build the gardens in these pictures. Giverny was one of his favorite places to paint.

Claude Monet’s home, Giverny, France. The rose trellises above were bare when I was there, but you can see them in full bloom in Monet’s work.

Further beyond the immediate grounds is the lily pond we see in so much of Monet’s work.

The Irises. See Monet’s painting of the Iris Garden at Giverny.

Painting the water lily pond was a favorite subject for Monet. Monet painted over 250 paintings of the lilies or lily pond.

I was on my own this trip to France and visiting Giveny was one of the highlights for me. It was so nice to just wander through the gardens and imagine Monet creating those incredible works of art.

The Japanese bridge at the water lily pond.

Monet created so many wonderful paintings based on places from all over Europe, but the ones he did at Giverny are some of my favorites.
Claude Monet was born in Paris in 1840 and died at his home in Giverny in 1926. His life was not always comfortable as it seems many artists experience. He even tried to commit suicide at one point. He did find love, have children, and helped inspire the Impressionist movement through his technique. Claude Monet painted more than 2,500 works of art in his lifetime.
You can certainly see why Monet painting like he did by looking at his gardens. What a lovely and peaceful place to be and live. So wonderful.